Welcome back! I'm posting from the opposite side of the planet, in Hong Kong, China. Now that I spent time with my family over the holidays and I'm settled into my new home in HK, I decided it would be a good time to post a little life update. I'm also updating my website, and taking a fresh look at my personal branding. Things are exciting!
There is something beautiful or immensely interesting to look at everywhere here in Hong Kong. The change of scene has definitely jump started my creativity and given me a fresh perspective on life and my work. I've met some amazing people since starting school here as well. My peers' talents and creativity never fail to amaze me. As a portrait photographer, I am inspired by humans- being around so many people of entirely different backgrounds (culturally, socially, and economically), has provided me with a wealth of inspiration and a great deal of clarity in reflecting on my own life.
So far, my classes have been challenging (in the best way). It's difficult to balance time for work and time for adventure when you're living in such a fascinating place. Keep an eye on my blog and on my Instagram @lexiepeterson.photo to keep up to date on my experiences here- I'll post as much as I can.